
Moon Dance Five Six Seven Emigrant Trail Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Peer Gynt Country Boy Some Other Time
Driving the Golden Spike

For a better demo, use the contact link to request the LAB 6 demo with films, music and voice recording. More content is available on the LAB 6 YouTube channel Sound Cloud and links on the LAB 6 Face Book page, (Links below)


Meet the L.A.B. Rats

  • Don and Dale went to film school together back in the 70s. They worked on several films together, then Don headed to Hollywood to work as a sound designer on Lou Grant. Since then he has created sound design on over 100 films including Schindler's List, Back to the Future II and III, The Rocketeer and many more great films. Don is retired, but willing to mentor students and give advice on flying radio controlled airplanes.

  • Tom was partner in the first two Sound 4 Cinema studios before heading to Hollywood to work with Don Malouf. He worked as Rerecording Mixer, ADR Mixer and Foley Mixer on several hundred films and television shows including Lois and Clark,  ER, The West Wing, It, and Remington Steel. Tom is now doing venue mixing in LA but is available as rerecording mixer on projects at LAB 6.


    Paul is a production mixer with 25 years of experience recording on set. Paul’s work spans the gamut from television, Kings of Crash to feature films including The Giver and Your Right Mind.

  • Dale is guru at LAB 6 and is the primary creator. Dale has been in the sound for motion picture field for over 40 years. Dale's expertise is in the area of sound design, where he has over 40 feature credits. Dale has also been teaching at the University of Utah, Sierra Nevada College and Brooks Institute for over 25 years. Dale has an on line weekly You Tube show called Toy Man Television.

  • Darin Smith


    Darin is the manager of the Radar Remote Studios as well as first class LAB rat musician-engineer.
